Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Packing, Poison Ivy and Pictures

Not much going on around here. Rachel has been spending the past 5 days with Tiffany, a friend who is like her older sister. Tiffany took the week off to move from one apartment to another and Rachel stayed with her in order to help Tiff and also to get Rach out of the house. She is home now, and although i love having her back with me, she is not too thrilled to be home. Being with Tiff is fun and exciting, and being home is not. I understand that. But, i'm glad to have my baby back.
Matthew is taking advantage of his last week of freedom by reading the summer reading book he had all summer to read and cram it all into 3 days of all day reading. That's my boy :). He is just getting over a bad case of poison ivy that i had to bring him to the doctor twice for. Poor baby has been itching for like 2 weeks, and now, even though the medicine is finally working, the steroids have cause his face and chest to break out in big pimples. Ugh, right before school too! Thankfully, he has a good attitude about it (as per usual). I went to Kohls yesterday and got him two outfits for school. Two jean shorts and two shirts, all for 33 dollars. Pretty good, huh? Erin and I went to Walmart and i spent like 40 dollars on her for shoes and an outfit or two. I love clearance shopping. I will still need to get school supplies, but we don't receive the lists until the first day of school, so we need to wait.
The only thing Rachel needs is a nice pair of pants that she can wear on Thursdays with her uniform shirt for Three M. That's the name of the school that she will go to for Martial Arts and Science this year. She wasn't too thrilled to have to wear a uniform shirt, and was less thrilled when she found out she would have to wear it tucked in, but hopefully, we will find a nice pair of pants that she will be comfortable with and maybe a belt to make the tucked in look feel better for her. I'm glad she will be going to school for two classes a week. It will get her out of the house and around people her age. She is the type of kid who craves being out and around other people, she just needs some more self-confidence, which she is getting better with. I think it will be a good home-school year. I have decided to be a bit more strict than i was last year. Seventh grade is a big year, and i only have two years to prepare her for high school. I pray that i will be able to teach her in a way that is profitable to her education and also interesting and maybe even fun. That may be wishful thinking, but I'll do my best.
Today Erin went to get her Senior pictures done. She was stressed out for a couple days because she wanted to find the "perfect" outfit, hairstyle, make-up, eyebrows, nails, ect. So, we spent some time putting an outfit together, matching up the jewelry, getting our eyebrows done, experimenting with her hair and make-up. She said that it went really well today, and i am glad. These ARE her senior pictures. I hardly ever buy school pictures, but, if these come out well, i will definitely be getting them. I actually starting tearing up when we were choosing an outfit for her pictures. I guess i was feeling sentimental about my baby being done with school and growing up and being an adult. I am glad that she decided to go the college, even if it is only Del Tech, because that way she can remain my baby for a little bit longer. If she goes to college, she can ease into adulthood a little slower than if she jumped right into the work world. Of course, Steven and i think it is a shame that she does not want to even consider applying to a bigger college that will offer her more opportunities. I mean, she has worked so hard to be the number one or two student in her whole class, and will probably graduate valedictorian, it just seems like a waste to not even try to see if she could get a scholarship from a bigger, better college. I think she will probably kick herself in the butt for that when she is my age, but i'm not going to force her to do something she totally does not want to do. If she does go to college, i want her to do it because that is what she wants. If she does it for me, she won't learn as well anyway, she would treat it like high school, with the "i'm only hear cause i have to be" attitude. I just want the best for her, and i'm not sure that Del Tech is the best. But, what do i know? I could be all wrong. Maybe this is just what she needs. All i can do is pray, trust her Creator, and love her through life.
Well, that's about it for now. I went to bible study for the book Lies Woman Believe and i am thinking about writing some posts about my thoughts on the book and the lies. Hopefully, i will be posting on my blog more regularly than i have in the past couple months. I have been doing alot of thinking, and maybe i can sort some of those thoughts out here. We'll see.
Today i am thankful for:
1. Good books
2. The time to read those good books
3. My Church family/friends


  1. Praying you have a great year.
    Love you,
    Hope to see you Sunday,
    Call me or I will call you,
    Love ya sis (in Christ),

  2. I gave you an award. You can get it from my blog at this link:
    If you want to put it on your blog and need help let me know.

    Love you sis,

  3. Hi baby - glad to see you added a new post. Things will fall into place. How is it going with the new car? Call, e-mail, talk, whatever anytime.
    Luv ya,
